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At Hyper Triathlon 

 We Believe a Happy, Heathy Athlete is a Fast Athlete. 


We work with our athletes on triathlon training, nutrition, technique, mentality and balancing their triathlon goals with real life.





All our athletes are coached by both myself (Tom) and my wife Ellie

We find having two coaches gives a better perspective and gives you more support and answers. Obviously, if you prefer a male or female point of contact, that is not a problem. 


Together we have gone from complete beginners to competing at Ironman Triathlon competitions all over the globe. We have trained under world class coaches and alongside olympians. Achieving multiple podium finishes and World Championships qualifications.


We believe in sharing the knowledge we have collected to help others enjoy the sport and achieve their goals. We have coached everything from life changing weight loss and wellbeing to elite sports performance. Using the fundamental principles established in elite sport, we apply the best strategies for each of our athletes to achieve peak triathlon performance. 


 We want our athletes to achieve non-stop success, be healthy and happy!


If you want to find out more about triathlon or Ironman coaching, we would love to hear from you, to book a free consultation  


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