Electrolyte tablets are the topic of todays blog. We tested some of the biggest and most readily available brands on the market. All the tablets tested you just chuck into a bottle of water and wait for them to dissolve. They are all low calorie and vegan vegetarian friendly. Great for triathlon training and endurance racing.

Precision Hydration
These tablets come in a real range from 250, 500, 750, 1000 or 1500. The numbers refer to mg of sodium. This means you can pick the tablets that are best suited to your salt loss. For intense training sessions or for athletes who are salty sweaters, the 1500 tablets have the most sodium of any available tablet on the market.

They contain sodium, potassium, magnesium and calcium. So are pretty comprehensively replenishing your electrolyte losses. They are also well matched in the electrolyte concentrations to sweat loss research. The sodium content is the 1500, 1000, 500 label. They have a lot of handy information on their website that will help you choose the right tablets for you.
With a minimal ingredients list they are relatively gentle on the tummy. There are sachets available that contain sugar instead of sweet ear if your stomach is sensitive to them.
The cost tho … £8.99 for 10 tablets. Need I say much more, it’s going to cost you a fair bit to use these regularly. One slight relief is they do offer a discount when bought in a 12 tube multipack. They are also only really available from their website and it is unlikely you will come across them in most bike stores. They often have a stand at Ironman events. They were at both world championships this year.
The tubes of tablets are fizzy and have a relatively weak citrus taste . The taste is not an overly pleasant one. On the up hand it does seem to grow on you and if you add some squash it’s quite nice. The sachets are a stronger citrus taste but again don’t hope for a sweet lemonade.
Overall these tablets we highly recommend they are versatile and will meet your needs especially for those who have sensitive stomachs or need higher salt to help with cramping. Best Tablet for performance!

These tablets a range of flavours.
They contain sodium, potassium, magnesium and calcium. So again pretty comprehensively replenish your electrolyte losses. They have 300mg total so for salty sweaters you might need the higher electrolyte content of some of the other tablets. They contain more calcium and less potassium which is not optimal for matching concentrations of electrolytes in sweat loss.
Contain sweeteners like sorbitol and inulin which can be aggravating on some people’s stomachs. If you have IBS or struggle with stomach problems this may not be the electrolyte tab for you.
Some of the tablets contain caffeine this is useful sometimes but might not want it every workout. Caffeine can also cause some people GI distress.
The cost £7 for 20 tablets. SIS often hold sales with promo codes to get more off too. They are available online from SIS, Amazon and Wiggle. Stocked in a lot of bike shops and can been bought in supermarkets like Tesco.
We tried a range of the flavours. The flavours were strong enough to get a pleasant taste whilst still being quite refreshing. Berry tasted good, fruity but not too sweet. There is the odd flavour we a bit disappointed in like strawberry and kiwi. But across the board they were easily drinkable and there is something for everyone’s preference.
Overall these tablets we recommend for all athletes who don’t experience many stomach issues or have high salt loss rates. They are easily available and will meet most athletes needs and taste pretty good.
Best Value and availability!

Nunn sport
These tablets come in a range of flavours. They are also approved by informed sport which makes them a good option for those competing in WADA regulated sport like time trialling or Ironman triathlon.
They contain sodium, potassium, magnesium and calcium. So are pretty comprehensively replenishing your electrolyte losses. They have 300mg of sodium so for salty sweaters you might need the higher electrolyte content of some of the other tablets.
Their basic ingredients list makes them very gentle on the stomach (non caffeine being the best option for sensitive stomachs)
Available in sport and sport + caffeine.
The cost £6.99 for 8 tablets. Darn expensive again and not easily available in the UK can be bought online through sports shops or Amazon but very unlikely to find these in a local store.
We tried a range of the flavours. The flavours are quite weak but pretty refreshing and nice to drink. Really wasn’t much to dislike in any we tried but are not going to fire up your tastebuds with strong flavour.
Best tablet for sensitive stomachs!
Power bar

These tablets a range of flavours. They are widely available in bike shops and at a lot of large event expo’s.
They contain sodium, potassium, magnesium and calcium. So again pretty comprehensively replenish your electrolyte losses. They have 250mg total sodium so again salty sweaters you might need to look elsewhere.
Contain sweeteners like sorbitol and inulin which can be aggravating to some people’s stomachs. If you have IBS or struggle with stomach problems this may not be the electrolyte tab for you.
Some of the tablets contain caffeine this is useful sometimes as it has been shown to have significant performance enhancing results but as said before it can have a downside for some athletes.. Cost
The cost £4.50 for 10 tablets they are pretty reasonably priced. They are available online from various stores including; Amazon and Wiggle. Stocked in a lot of bike shops too
We tried a few of the flavours. The flavours were strong some really nice but others not what you expect and some where not pleasant. If you just need a convenient tablet you can get most places in the uk and abroad then this may be a good choice. If you can only drink things you like the taste of you may need to try a few flavours before you find one you like.
High 5

These tablets have a range of flavours with and without caffeine. We tested the berry non caffeine tablets. They are widely available in high street stores like; holland & Barrett, decathlon and bike shops. They are also available from many internet retailers.
They contain sodium, potassium, magnesium and calcium. So again pretty comprehensively replenish your electrolyte losses. They have 200mg of sodium so again salty sweaters you might need to look elsewhere or they suggest using two tablets to make the solution stronger.
Contain sweeteners like sorbitol and Sucralose which can be aggravating on some people’s stomachs. However they do not contain inulin. If you follow a low FODMAP diet they might not be the tablet for you.
These tablets do not contain caffeine which makes them a good every day tablet to just aid hydration. Cost
The cost £6.99 for 8 tablets (Holland and Barrett) they are more expensive than some of the other tablets we trialled. They are available online from various stores including; Amazon and Wiggle. Stocked in a lot of bike shops too so might get a deal if you shop around.
The berry flavour was nice especially in the stronger solution. If you just need a convenient nice tasting hydro tablet you can get easily in the uk then this may be a good choice.

We were impressed by all the tablets we tried they are all perfectly good options. We hope this blog helps you find the right choice for you and your goals.
Any questions drop us a message. Next blog from hyper triathlon coaching will be hydration strategies for training.